Thursday, October 15, 2009


I praise the Almighty Saviour for saving my rotten self when I was an 11 year old kid the last night of Vacation Bible School that my church (at the time) was conducting that summer. The preacher preached on "Hell" and what was carrying one there. SIN WAS!! I realized that I was a sinner that needed to be saved. My eternal destination was at stake! I practically RAN down the aisle when he gave the altar call after preaching that intense sermon that Friday night. The Lord saved me, not because of any "good" in or of me. The Bible says that all my goods are as "filty rags". No one, NO, not a single person can come up to God's standards--He is the only perfect ONE. YES, I saw my need of a Saviour, and asked Jesus to cleanse me that night by His precious blood that He shed at Calvary. NO One took Jesus' life--HE layed it down "WILLINGLY" for me and for YOU!! It was part of the wonderful plan of SALVATION. O GLORIOUS DAY!! I am free from the guilt and shame of sin and Jesus has promised that where He is, I shall be there also, because He has prepared for me a place (the place being--HEAVEN.) I do not have to worry about that place called HELL, because I have accepted this FREE gift--called SAVATION!! My only worry of HELL, is that of unsaved FAMILY and FRIENDS and STRANGERS that I meet on the street going there as their eternal destination--this GRIEVES my soul!!! Until We Meet Again...

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