That's him entering in--right in the middle of the door--to Kids' Choir Christmas Party |
Stunning news hit me as I came out of my Sunday School class this past Sunday. I was told that one of the kids that I had in SS several years back had passed away on Friday night at the age of 15. He had suffered a massive heart attack. He and his family had moved to another state a few years ago and word had come back to our church family here. My heart is broken, but the Lord knows best and I know that
He has a master plan. The Lord can use this child's death to His glory and to the glory of all of Heaven. Twelve people went forward for salvation at his funeral!! Our loss is Heaven's gain. It was my privilege to teach him in Sunday School and to have him in Kids' Choir, where I was the Pastor's wife's helper. What a blessing to help this youngster, as well as the other kids, practice the Kids' Choir programs that they presented once a month to our congregation. He was such a little ham, and actually could do a great job with his parts when he wasn't "hamming it up" for the others!! The Word of God tells us in Psalms 116: 15 that "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." The Lord wanted to see this child's precious face and called him home to Heaven. Sweetheart, the next time we meet will be at the feet of the Wonderful Savior. What a blessing you always were to me and it was a privilege to have you in SS and in Kids' Choir. I love you. Until We Meet Again...